5pm. St. Patrick's Church, College Road, Kilkenny.
Celebrant: Rev. Thomas O'Toole CC
Ant: 'As Jesus went into the house * of one of the chief Pharisees, to eat bread on the Sabbath Day, behold, there was a certain man before Him which had the dropsy and He took him, and healed him, and let him go.'
Let us place ourselves at the feet of Christ and say to Him: Lord Jesus, Incarnate Word, I believe that Thou art God... By such acts of faith, we lay the very foundation of our spiritual life. And if this act is frequently renewed, then Christ, as St. Paul says, "dwells in our hearts", that is to say He reigns in our souls in a constant manner as Master and King, and becomes in us, through His Spirit, the principle of divine life. (Dom Marmion on the Epistle from the Mass, Eph. 3.13-21.).
Today also marks the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary.
After the Battle of Vienna and the glorious victory of Jan Sobieski III over the Turks (12 Sept., 1683), the feast was extended to the universal Church by Innocent XI, and assigned to the Sunday after the Nativity of Mary by a Decree of 25 Nov., 1683 (duplex majus).
"Battle of Vienna", by Józef Brandt, 1863. Museum Wojska Polskiego in Warsaw |
Ant. O Mary * blessed art thou that didst believe! for there shall be a performance of those things which were told thee from the Lord. Alleluia.
V. Grace is poured into thy lips
R. Therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.
Let us pray,
Grant we beseech thee, O Almighty God, that thy faithful people, who rejoice in the Name and keeping of the most holy Virgin Mary, may by her Motherly prayers be freed from all ills upon earth, and worthily attain unto thine everlasting joy in heaven.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ